
Posts Tagged ‘you have to lose to win’

road to success…. is paved with FAILURES.

It has to be. How else would you get there?

Success is an uphill battle – everyday. It’s a steep incline up a treacherous mountain that few dare to tread. It is not for everyone. It not only requires hard work, dedication and laser-sharp focus; it requires perseverance and a will to NEVER GIVE UP.

But what most people do not realize is that success also requires FAILURE – and lots of it. In short, our mistakes are what make us great – they push us to become stronger, wiser and more adaptable. They push us to learn and evolve and become keenly resourceful and supremely strategic.

The question isn’t – “are you successful?” It is “have you done the work necessary to BECOME a success.” A lot of people do not want to do the work necessary to become a success, they just want it, expect it, feel entitled to it and put out the bare minimum to get it.

To have a successful career, you have to work HARD at it everyday.

To have a successful relationship, you have to work HARD at it everyday.

To have a successful anything, you have to WORK HARD to earn that success. You do not just get it because you want it.

Nothing good ever comes easy and nothing easy is ever really worth having. Newsflash: if you are looking for anything in your life to “just be easy,” you will get easy, but you will NOT get success. They are two entirely different initiatives. But somehow we forget that. Easy is just that, EASY… it is never better and it will NEVER bring you success.

Success is not for the faint-hearted; its for the few who are extraordinary and who want the best that life has to offer. They are willing to work at it everyday and willing to fail at it everyday in order to get the greatness that they know they deserve. After all, how can you know success if you haven’t first learned to fail? How would you ever appreciate success if you didn’t have to do the work necessary to earn it? You wouldn’t.

Be extraordinary. Do the real HARD WORK to become your own success story – not only in your own life, but in your career and in your key relationships. Don’t be afraid to fail. Failures make you great. Without those failures, you are just living a life of mediocrity – the easy life. Greatness awaits you at the top of the mountain. What are you waiting for? Time to start climbing.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to read some reviews on Donnalynn’s Coachingclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here. 


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…as crazy as that sounds, it is very true.

This is a common theme in my counseling practice. It comes up time and time again. We fail to realize that situations that are not working and not making us happy will never somehow magically transform themselves to be what we need them to be. Sometimes we are just too close to the relationship to see what is really going on. A situation that is in a dysfunctional place will remain dysfunctional unless we take ourselves out of the equation so that the situation can heal appropriately.

This pattern shows up in many areas of our lives but especially in relationships. If you are in a relationship that is no longer supporting your highest good and the highest good of all people involved, then it is important to recognize that it may be time to take a small break from it. This is very hard for people to realize. We stay out of fear and desperation and we use force and anger to get what we want, but by doing so, we inadvertently end up beating the relationship to the ground. Relationships are like people, they need a break from time to time in order to gain proper perspective.

I always say that you have to lose what isn’t working to find something that will. Temporarily lose a toxic relationship now and you will win either a healthier version of that relationship once it has healed or you will win a better relationship with someone new. Either way you have to lose to win.

Beating a relationship to the ground by continually playing out the same drama and nagging will never heal an unhealthy dynamic. It will only contribute to a further demise of the relationship. If you are having problems in a relationship, love yourself and your partner enough to take a little breather from the dysfunction … once there is a degree of space, then both parties can fairly evaluate the relationship as a whole and and their role in it. That objectivity will lead to healing. I assure you if you “lose” the relationship now, you will only get a better version of it when you (or both of you) have a chance to heal from it. If you do not win a better version of that relationship, then no doubt, you will win a better relationship with someone new. Either way, you must lose to win in the end.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s new Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

If you would like more information on Emotional Wellbeing and Life Coaching Sessions with Donnalynnclick here.

If you would like to read some reviews on Donnalynn’s Coachingclick here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here.

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