
Archive for the ‘Mental Afflictions’ Category

… are not strong enough to face you.

Our world is filled with cowards. Most people are more interested in their personal comforts, then they are in standing up for truth. It’s much easier to turn away from “inconvenient beliefs” then it is to address them head on.

A divine human (one who holds the divine human source code) knows that you never turn your back on someone you love. You may disagree with them and hold differing viewpoints, but that is what makes our experience on Earth dynamic.

When people you love turn their back on you, it’s because they have been weaponized against you. They’ve been hacked to think that you are the enemy. But humanity was not designed to be adversarial against itself; it was designed with unity in mind.

We have forgotten how to have each other’s backs. We have lost tolerance for our fellow man. We get caught up in the hate agenda and decide that our ally is our enemy because it’s easier to shut them out of your life than it is to hear them out.

When people turn their back on you, it’s an indication that they are unable to face your truth. Your truth makes them uncomfortable. But in this experimental realm we live in, all realities exist and your beliefs are just as valid as the next persons.

Every human is responsible for facing our reality — not just their own version of it. We are here to hold space for simultaneous realities; it’s what makes this virtual simulation of the matrix work. When you turn your back on someone else’s reality, you block your own consciousness evolution. Understanding only comes through empathy. If you don’t have the compassion to face another soul, you’ll forever turn your back on your own enlightenment.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

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… they see you as who they are.

Humanity does not always have clear vision. We tend to see through mirrors and many of our mirrors are dirty. When we look at people, we see an aspect of ourselves reflected back to us.

If we’re healthy, we’re able to stand outside our projections and truly witness another being. But what happens all too often is that we are unhealed within ourselves, so we are unable to see others clearly. We end up projecting our own unhealed trauma onto others and because of that, we never quite have a clear perspective of them. Our perspective becomes distorted because when our lens is dirty, the image we see is distorted.

People don’t see you as you are, they see you as they are. When you recognize that, you will no longer waste time trying to be seen by others. You will know that you are who you are, whether or not someone else ever sees it.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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The Path You Take

… says a lot about the way you learn in life.

In fact, the path you take reflects where you are on your life’s journey.

There are always 2 paths — destiny and fate. Destiny is choosing the most optimal path. Fate is defaulting to the least optimal path. Both paths lead you home, but they take very different routes.

The path we take is the degree of difficulty we require to learn. Some of us need hardship to learn lessons and others can learn and integrate more easily.

Destiny is the most optimal path for your growth. You still have lessons and tests, but they are easier to move through because one has reached a healthy level of consciousness growth and evolution.

Fate is the defaulted path where the tests are harder. This is not a punishment to who you are, this is a pre-requisite to your consciousness growth.

Both paths lead you home. They lead you along your life’s journey. Why are some paths harder? Some souls need harder experiences before they learn. It is up to the soul as to how they learn best.

How do you learn best? Do you learn from difficulty or ease? One isn’t better than the other, it just takes what it takes for us each to learn.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

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Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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Your Progress is Not Contingent on How Unhealed People Treat You

… it’s contingent on how you react to their treatment.

In life, we can never take the “impersonal, personal.” How people treat you has more to do with who they are/what they are going through then it has anything to do with you.

You are not responsible for changing people, you are responsible for changing yourself.

If an unhealed person lashes out at you, that is on them; it’s their work to resolve within themself. If you allow that unhealed person to trigger you, then that is on you. Your work is to find out why their inadequacies trigger your insecurities.

We are all mirrors to each other. We reflect back to each other aspects of ourselves we may not be aware of.

It’s easy to blame unhealed people for your trauma; it’s not as easy to recognize a trauma response within ourselves. Unhealed people have work to do, and if you’re triggered by an unhealed person, you have even more work to do.

We are here to evolve and to progress through this matrix. Don’t get tripped up by an unhealed being. Not everyone wants to grow. Remember that your progress is never contingent on how unhealed people treat you; it is only contingent on how you react to them. Resolving your need to react is the key to evolution.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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…. the more you irritate those who cannot hold the light.

Darkness always gives itself away. It is sneaky but it’s not smart. It doesn’t hold the codes for higher intelligence and higher creativity, so all it can do is get triggered by the light and spew venom. It cannot see its own hate, it can only project its wrath towards those who hold light. 

Darkness will always feel virtuous to the light, but the light knows its true virtue. Darkness feels vindicated in its hateful state. Darkness projects its hate onto you because it has no self-awareness. Darkness is akin to a petulant child who demands attention and throws temper tantrums until it gets noticed. 

Darkness hates the light because the light exposes the dark for the imposter of truth that it is. Once the light exposes the darkness, all the darkness can do is scream banal insults because it holds no wisdom and no barometer for truth. It is like a caged animal desperate to be heard. 

Darkness can only exist by blocking the light. Unfortunately, many humans have unwittingly subscribed to the darkness thinking it is virtuous which is one of the reasons that darkness is running our planet right now. But true virtue has nothing to prove, it just is, while darkness has the need to prove itself over and over again.

The more light you hold, the brighter you shine and the more you will provoke the darkness. The dark has to hate the light because it cannot exist in the presence of light. Where there is light, the darkness dies. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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… it’s a place you cultivate within yourself. 

The mistake humanity makes is in thinking that happiness can ever be found outside you. The material world is fleeting. $$$, jobs, homes, cars, bonuses, reputations all have an expiration date. You can’t take them with you when your time is up. They are not a measure of your true success so they can never truly create lasting happiness. 

Happiness is a state of mind. It’s a divine connection to source — something greater that created this universe. It’s in the trust that your soul is your greatest economy — that who you are is much greater than who this sick society tells you that you are. 

When the world tries to tear you down and tell you that you’re a failure, can you stand up and say, I love who i am and I love the life i’ve created for myself? True happiness is an inside job. Those who do not love themselves will never be able to find it. If you’re still only seeking happiness in the material world, you’ll forever be lost in the seas of depression. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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… you’re not healed.

Even if you think you are.

We only know who we are in relationship to another person, so our relationships are our greatest acid test for the consciousness we are holding.

If someone is able to trigger you into an emotional response, you are not resolved within yourself. Everyone has their own buttons, but if you allow someone else to push those buttons and it creates a reactance of anger and hate within you, that work is on YOU. Don’t spend your energy hating on that person for triggering you, ask yourself why you got triggered? Why does that person make you angry? What about them is triggering for you? That is what needs to be looked at. Blaming them for your anger is misdirected energy and it only keeps you stuck in your own unconscious and distorted mindset.

Hate and anger is a dead give-away for a soul who is still unhealed. A conscious and healed being doesn’t need to react with hate and anger, they’re able to tap into the higher realms of compassion and empathy for those for whom they may disagree with.

Hate is too heavy a burden to carry. If you hold hate for anyone in your life, you’ll never be free. You will forever be bound to that person because you were unable to resolve the hatred you hold in your heart. And that hatred is a venom that will only poison your soul. Life is too short to be buried under your own hate. The opportunity is now to find your own healing so your healing can inspire the healing of our planet. Are you ready to heal?

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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… they’re conditioned to hate by a sick society.

When you believe that your neighbor is your enemy, you have lost your humanity. 

Our DNA — our divine human blueprint is made of love. It’s only when that blueprint is hacked that we fall prey to hate. Our minds are being hacked all day long, by legacy media, social media, corporations, advertising, television, hollywood, govt’s, etc… What thoughts do we own that are actually OUR OWN? 

We are in a time where we are meant to be remembering who we really are but unfortunately at the same time, we’re battling for our own memory and our own ability to process concepts and think for ourselves.

If you’re judging others for who they are or what they believe, it might be time for you to point that finger back at yourself. If you are finding discontent in another, it’s really the discontent you harbor deep within yourself. Don’t project it onto others. Heal it at the source. The buck starts and stops with YOU.

Humans are not predisposed to hate, when we can remember that, we can find our way back to our our humanity. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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… or have you become comfortably numb? 

There’s a difference.

Life is hard, it’s true, but finding comfort in this discomfort is key. True comfort can be found via conscious transformation of suffering. Do you allow yourself to wallow in self-pity and victim consciousness or do you move through the pain and back into higher mastery states of joy, gratitude and happiness?

Many of us get stuck in the pain and in order to cope, we shut down any sense of feeling. We numb ourselves from feeling the pain via alcohol, drugs, food, tv, social media, sex, etc… This is not true comfort, it is a coping mechanism disguised as comfort, otherwise known as the “comfortably numb zone.”

Comfort is the pure mastery of joy, while being comfortably numb is the epitome of sabotage and distraction. One shuts you down, while the other moves you through your consciousness evolution. Be careful not to mistake one for the other.

True comfort is available for anyone who is ready to master their pain — anyone who is ready to face their shadows and move beyond them. Once you learn to face all of it, you can override it and finally begin to heal.

Are you comfortable facing your life or are you more comfortably numbing the pain? There is a difference. One road leads to consciousness mastery and the other leads to an addictive spiral. Where do you find yourself?

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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… keeps you locked in a nightmare.

Dancing with fear is always a choice. Fearful thoughts lock you into a lower vibrational state; they elicit negative emotions which keep you trapped and looping in a pain-induced reality. But that’s not the way we’re meant to live. Once we understand the role of our feelings, we can begin to master our true alignment.

Feelings are key to mastering fear.

Feelings are a vibrational gauge as to the level of your consciousness you are holding and how you feel, determines how in-phase or out-of-phase you are to your true self. So, if you are feeling fearful, you are out of alignment with your highest potential.

It’s all about perspective. You are always in control of your own alignment. So learn to take control over your fear. Don’t let yourself fall into fear, change the way you feel about it.

Instead of fearing a doomed potential, why not allow yourself to see it as a “Jedi-warrior training? “I am not afraid of this fear, I am here to master it.” To master anything you must learn to dance with it properly. Don’t look to run from your fears, look at them as opportunities to master your emotions.

Shifting out of a fearful state is as easy as finding a more positive feeling that you can feel good about. You are learning to dance a better dance with fear; one where you are the one leading. Controlling your feelings can help to control your emotions and give you control over that which you fear.

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Book, “Life Lessons,” click here.

Follow Donnalynn on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. 

Read more inspiration in Donnalynn’s Column at the NY OBSERVER, click here.

If you would like more information on Intuitive Life Coaching/Numerology Sessions with Donnalynn, click here.

If you would like to schedule a session with Donnalynn, click here

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